Oliver Giese with top quality to the national top in Germany!

The successful entrepreneur Oliver Giese from Liebenwalde (near Berlin)
is not only a clever businessman but also a “pigeon fool” like it’s in the book. He is a pigeon fancier with heart and soul and despite the limited time that is available to him, he can look back on a very successful travel year in 2024.

Oliver Giese's friendship with Wolfgang Roeper is absolute
Top material arrived. Inevitably through the “Gray Wolf” he is also in contact
came with the Leideman brothers. At the Leideman Brothers he also only dealt with that
The very best reinforced. These targeted investments at Wolfang Roeper and Gebr. Leideman
will immediately hit Oliver hard and will be a lot of fun for him in the years to come.
You can find out more about this top German breed on Oliver Giese's website
as well as read an interesting report from the pigeon market:
Team Amazing Wings congratulates Oliver Giese on his fantastic travel year 2024
and wishes you good luck and success for 2025!