The Belgian national race Argenton (500 km) with a total of 30,318 pigeons!

On Friday, June 9, 2023, the national flight Argenton (500 km) was at 07:05
started with a total of 30,318 pigeons (13,108 birds and 17,210 yearlings)
 in an east-south-east wind (headwind) and good visibility.

Kurt Verhulst from Meulebeke, West Flemish, clocked his two-year-old pigeon B21-3046923 at 1:45:15 p.m. at a speed of 1,245.93 meters/min at a distance of 493.309 km. This should be the 1st National vs. 13,108 birds and at the same time the second fastest of a total of 30,138 birds.
Kurt Verhulst is a little lover and was totally surprised with this great success. 
The joy is of course particularly great in the house of Verhulst!
In the yearlings, our friend Chris Debacker from Berveren Leie (West Flanders) wins the 2nd National vs. 17,210 yearlings. +
Chris clocked his yearling B22-3026489 at 1:47:35 p.m. (493.309 km) at a speed of 1,225.61 meters/min. 
and wins the 2nd National vs. 17,310 yearlings (3rd fastest of a total of 30,138 pigeons!).
For Chris it is the 2nd prize in a national race of the long middle distance for the fourth time.

Dear Chris, the first national victory is in the air! It's about time for the 1st National!!
The Amazing Wings team congratulates the two breeders Kurt Verhulst and Chris Debacker from West Flanders
 on these great achievements!