Wim Verbeeck from Herselt (Antwerp province) wins 3rd National Bourges IV (469 km) against 20,238 youngsters!

Sunday 13 August 2023 started at 8.20 a.m. with good visibility, west-southwest wind, cloudy to fine
 9,922 old birds & 20,328 youngsters (total 30,250 birds).

Wim Verbeeck from Herselt province of Antwerp clocked his young hen B23-6070720 at 1:20:30 p.m. at a distance of 469.903 km and a speed of 1,563.74 meters/min. This should be the 3rd National of 20,238 youngsters. Well done!
Wim Verbeeck has only been working as a pigeon breeder for a few years with a small number of pigeons. 
Almost his entire stock (mini stock of about 40/50 pigeons in winter) comes from his neighbor Gerard Rens
 also from Herselt! (see pedigree)
The entire Amazing Wings team congratulates Wim Verbeeck on this great performance from the national flight Bourges IV!