59-year-old Eddy De Martelaere from Gavere (near Ghent) in East Flemish poses with his Super cock B20-4018702 “Louis Vuitton” the 1st national ACE pigeon KBDB birds on the short distance 2022.
Eddy travels in the club "De Strijdersbond Merelbeke" on the short-haul and in the big "interaction" on Noyon (160 km)
he competes with a total of eighteen clubs in the "Waasland" list.
The 1. Ace-pigeon B20-4018702 "Louis Vuitton" is not only very exclusive in terms of performance but also in the hand
and therefore has its exclusive name rightly!

The pedigree shows 75% Louis Cooreman pigeons. Louis was an incredibly strong short-haul player in East Flanders.
Unfortunately, Louis Cooreman passed away a few years ago. The blood of Eddy Den Haese can also be found on the
paternal side of the 1st ACE bird. Eddy Den Haese is a good friend of the De Martelaere Gavere family.

Team Amazing Wings congratulates Eddy De Martelaere on the 1st ACE-vird KBDB Short Distance Pigeons 2022 !